Electric Testing Pump PR Pro

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Practical, user-friendly, and ergonomically designed, the RP PRO III excels in the automated pressure testing of piping systems and containers, handling pressures of up to 40 bar effortlessly. Simultaneously, its automatic thermal shut-off feature safeguards against pump overload. This high-performance tool, coupled with its space-saving design, guarantees convenience for the installer during operation.

Features Of Electric Testing Pump

Effortless automation for filling and emptying pipe systems and containers. Its compact, sturdy plastic housing simplifies on-site maneuvering. You can choose between two liquid supply options: self-priming or from an external pressure source. Ideal for both water and oil testing, and it’s equipped with a steel mesh-reinforced hose to eliminate measurement errors stemming from hose expansion during operation. Additionally, a glycerine-dampened pressure gauge ensures easy and accurate pressure readings by compensating for pressure fluctuations.

Working Principles of Electric Testing Pumps

The Role of Electric Power

Electric testing pump are powered by electricity, providing consistent and reliable energy for pressure generation.

Generating Controlled Pressure

These pumps can precisely control pressure levels, allowing for accurate testing according to specific requirements.

Digital Controls for Accuracy

Many electric testing pump feature digital controls that enhance accuracy and enable real-time monitoring and adjustments.

Machine Specification :

Model No : PR PRO
Test area : 0 – 40 bar
Power pump (min-max) : 0 – 6 l/min
Mains frequency with unit of measurement : 50 Hz
Net weight with unit of measure : 17,130 kg
Working area Temperature : 40 °C

Related Tag : electric test pump, electric test pump plumbing, electric water test pump, electric pressure test pump

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